Sunday, February 10, 2008

Husband Tag

What is his name?  David Olson Sotutu

How long have you been married?  7 1/2 years

How long did you date?  5 months

How old is he?  31....too old to believe he's my husband.

Who eats more?  Definitely David, but I for sure out-snack him.

Who said "I love you" first?  Him.....oh, that was back in the day when he was all mushy and stuff.

Who is taller?  David.

Who sings better?  Definitely him. Whenever I sing, Isaiah asks me to stop.

Who is smarter?  I would say it's a tie, but David definitely knows more useless facts.

Whose temper is worse?  His.

Who does the laundry?  Me. If laundry only had to be done three times a year then David would have me beat by a mile!

Who does the dishes?  Same answer as laundry.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?  Well, since he sleeps in the middle of the bed, I would actually say he sleeps on both sides.

Who pays the bills?  Again, me.  But David would say he has the skills to pay the bills!

Who mows the lawn?  David. This is one thing I WILL NOT do.

Who cooks dinner?  Me. His speciality is breakfast and steaks cooked with precision only.

Who drives when you are together?  David. He refuses to ride with me.  He thinks I'm too crazy.

Who is more stubborn?  I think anyone that knows us very well already knows the answer, but for those that don't, it is definitely David!

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong?  Me.  Seven years later and I'm still waiting.

Whose parents do you see the most?  Well, my parents live across the street, so mine.

Who proposed?  David.  It was as romantic as you can be in the David O. McKay Library.  Some of you were there and may remember the magical moment.

Who has more friends?  David is better at staying in touch with old friends.  I probably have more new friends.

Who has more siblings?  David.

Who wears the pants?  I wear the pants, he wears the very short running shorts that he should have stopped wearing about 10 years ago.

I will now tag.....KASSIDY, ANNIE, EMILY and HOLLY


Jennifer said...

Me likey! But me no likey the too short shorts, I've seen it and I no appreciate.

Annie said...

I did this one a little while ago! I did enjoy yours, though. Shorty shorts and all.

Brandon Bridge said...

Yeah, I don't know what happened! Hazel and I have a smokin high fever...and achy bodies. I hope you guys don't get this...I'm so sorry if you do!!

The Perry's said...

Your tag cracked me up and I responded... Ya know, Maeley asked me to stop singing once too. So that cracked me up when Issiah asked you to stop. Is that a church behond Dave?