Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Our Addiction

I finally gave in and started watching Lost.  Dave has been a HUGE fan for a few seasons now, but he just decided to rewatch all of them.  I gave in and joined him.  We are still in the first season, but I have to admit I'm pretty addicted now too.  It's such a crazy show!  In Dave's words, "That island is full of secrets!"


kassidi bridge said...

That's awesome. I'm on the second season now! haha That's so funny, Brandon uses that quote to all of his friends all the time now, "that island sure is full of secrets." He think it's the funniest thing! Nice work Dave.

Emily K. said...

Welcome to the LOST club! We have watched it from the very beginning, and love it. It's awesome!

Anonymous said...

That is so good that you learned that listening to your husband brings happiness to your life. I find that, as an anonymous holla back girl, that when I listen to my husband everything works out for the best. Remember that. I wouldn't even question Dave any more. He sound like he really understands what life is all about. You are so blessed to have him.

joni said...

aubrie, Your blog is so cute. Okay my email address is jwiddison@gmail.com You need to email me. I miss you guys so much. How do you like idaho. Oklahoma is OK. Literally. get it. OK ha ha. You guys all look great. email me soon.

Andrew and Haley said...

AUBS! i'm so glad I found you! Hope all is well- i'm happy i'll get to keep up a little with your life now instead of waiting a year for the next family reunion to catch up!

Jennifer said...

David is a dork! I get the feeling that the anonymous commenter isn't a holla back girl at all. Maybe that's just me. I can't wait till you get all caught up so we can discuss it a month from tomorrow. Are you ready for us?

Mandy said...

Aubri - I had to do it, so...so do you. I tagged you for the "bag tag". If you haven't done it already, go to my blog and check out mine, then it's your big reveal. I'll be checking back to see it!

Jennifer said...

Umm...New post please!