Friday, March 21, 2008

Our Poor Little Neglected Blog

So, Jennifer reminded us that we haven't posted in quite some time, so I thought I'd give everyone a little update on what's been going on around here.  It's been pretty crazy, so our poor little blog has been very neglected.  Anyway, David, of course, is still teaching.  When he's not teaching, he's either teasing Isaiah, watching Jeopardy or doing something with or for the Young Men in our ward.  Isaiah has been the normal Isaiah, just way crazier these days.  Which leads me to me.  I am still working at my parents grocery store, but have also taken on another part time job.  I now work about 30 hours a week as a secretary/do everything girl for a guy here in town.  His secretary is out on maternity leave so I'm filling in for her for about 8 weeks.  It's been a bit crazy keeping up with both jobs and trying to keep up with my wifely/motherly responsibilities.  Looking at my house, you would probably agree that the blog isn't the only thing getting neglected right now.  Anyway, so while I'm working, Isaiah has been going to daycare and has become this crazy little ball of fire.  I don't know what it is, but being with those kids all day gets him so wound up that it takes all night for him to come down off of his high.  It's been strange.  I mean, he's always a little crazy, but it's been extreme.  Anyway, I'm rambling and David says that long posts aren't worth the time it takes to read them, so sorry friends.  I guess I'm done now.


Jennifer said...

Don't let David boss you around. Who does he think he is? Anyway, I bet you will think Isaiah is just an angel when my boys roll into town. Either that or he will become wilder than ever. I can't wait to see which it is!

Emily K. said...

Wow, you are a busy little woman. Not unusual for you. Aubri, you always do everything so great, and busy seems to be your specialty. I have always admired you for that. I hope you can relax and have a Happy Easter!!

Shon and Holly Shuldberg said...

Hi from the Shuldbergs. My you guys are busy, but sounds like you are good. It is interesting how lots of stimulation like that for kids makes them be different for a while. My boys are now getting adjusted to having a new baby, but they were different for a while. Happy Easter!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sotutus!
Love from Kent-- it's fun to read about you guys and hear what craziness life brings!
Love, the Rabans

The Perry's said...

Hey don't feel too bad about your blog. This is the first time I've updated mine since before Valentines. Yikes. At least you're more on top of it than I am.