Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Life doesn't get much better than this!

So, as I've mentioned I took a temporary job for a guy here in town on top of my regular job working for my parents.  Anyway, I was working way more than I liked and didn't seem to have enough hours in the day to get everything done.  Well, I'm happy to say that after six weeks, yesterday was my last day of work for that guy!  I'm still working for my parents, but I love that job and it's not nearly as demanding.  So, this morning, Isaiah and I slept in.  Then we ate waffles together.  He is now taking a bath while I blog.  We will probably play and read a little together, while I try to catch up on my housework that's been neglected for the past six weeks.  And then, if the weather is ok, we will walk to David's school.  It's the simple things in life that really are the greatest!  (Cheesy, but true!)  Honestly, what's better than being a stay-at-home mom!?!


kassidi bridge said...

Here here!

Emily K. said...

I'm so glad you have your Isaiah, and you're right. Being a stay-at-home is the greatest. I often take it for granted. Thanks for reminding me about the little things that life is all about.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for no more Bob!

Anonymous said...

NOTHING is better than being a stay at home mom!!