Thursday, April 17, 2008

Oh, how I love those Simeona babies!

Last week, Cathie, Jennifer and the kids came to Grace for spring break.  (I know, great spring break destination!)  Anyway, we had so much fun with them, but forgot to take many pictures.  David did manage to snap some cute upclose ones of almost everyone.

Baby girl Kaila.  Isn't she pretty??

Kalai is so much fun.  Couldn't you just squeeze that cute little face?

Kawika is oh so handsome!

Um.....Keoni was a little upset.  In his defense, this was his only meltdown of the trip.  It just happens to be the only picture Uncle Dave got of him.

We had so much fun visiting with David's family.  I realized how much I miss everyone and wish our families lived closer together so we could have the best of both worlds.  After they left, Isaiah was so exhausted from playing that he slept pretty solid for about three days!  He is just now getting back into the routine.


Emily K. said...

Gosh, I didn't even realize that Jennifer had that many kids! And, a little girl. So sweet. They are really cute kids. I'm glad you had fun with them. I was in Idaho last week too!

Dave & Melissa said...

Hi! I love your blog. Very cute. We are now in Oregon, staying at my mom's. We move in tomorrow, yay! Have a great day.