Tuesday, August 5, 2008


So, I've been tagged and since I really need to be better about blogging regularly, I decided to actually do this tag to get me going again.  I'm supposed to list 3 Joys, 3 Fears, 3 Goal, 3 Current Obsessions/Collections and 3 Random/Surprising Facts.  But that's not the best part.  The best part is that I get to tag 5 people, so stay tuned and I'll list your names at the end.

1.  Being a wife and mother.  David is my best friend and better half.  He puts up with all my crazy ways and allows me to be me.  And the fact that David and I were entrusted with this amazing little boy is by far our greatest joy.  
2.  Laughing with my family.  I am married to one of the goofiest people I know.  I love laughing mostly at him and with him.  He is so witty, it's annoying.  Also, laughing with my family.  My parents are crazy and my sisters humor me by actually making me think I'm funny!  Very weird, I know.
3.  Making a good tasting, good looking meal.  So, I stole this one from Haley, but I feel the same.  There are few things I can do for my family that bring me greater joy.

1.  My #1 and all time worst is birds.  Well, for that matter, all things that fly - birds, bats, moths, butterflies.....you name it if it has wings, I loath it!
2.  That I will contract some crazy mystery disease that doctor's have never seen before.  I know it's crazy, but it's a fear!
3.  That someone will randomly stop by to visit and my house is disgusting.  I happens way to often and I live in fear of it every time I have a sink full of dishes, every pair of shoes David owns is piled by the door and Isaiah just decided to built a train station in the middle of the living room floor.

1.  To actually have a clean house with no clutter!
2.  To be good at keeping up with birthdays.  We have so many brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews that I get confused.  Thanks to Jennifer, this might actually be something I can accomplish though.
3.  To go on regular date nights with my good husband.

1.  Ice cream.  I could have a huge bowl of ice cream for every meal.  I like to have it for dessert every night, but David doesn't eat it that often and then I feel like a pig eating alone.
2.  Corn chips.  I love any kind or brand of plain corn chips.  I don't particularly care for flavored corn chips, like Doritos.
3.  Cilantro.  I know it's weird, but I love it.  If I had my choice we would eat Mexican food every night with cilantro piled high on top of it.  Unfortunately, my family doesn't care for the mexican cuisine like I do, so I do not get my fix of cilantro that often.  That's why I LOVE Baja Fresh, because there is an open salsa bar with a huge bowl of cilantro where you can take as much as you want.  Yummm.

1.  I am 29 years old on Wii Fit.  That's sad because in real life I am only 27.  The reason I just thought of that is because all of my obsessions are food.  That might have something to do with it.  I can't help it though - I like to eat!
2.  I love to play Nintendo.  We bought Isaiah a Nintendo DS for his birthday and I love to sneak and play it after he has gone to bed.  I actually look forward to it every day!  Oops, I just gave away my secret!
3.  As I was typing this blog, someone did stop by and saw my house the disgusting mess that it is.  I better stop blogging and get some housework done!  My #3 fear just happened - again!

OK.  That's probably enough about me.  I will now tag Jennifer Simeona, Kassidy Bridge, Jenny Friden, Angela Anderson and Jill Williams.  Have fun ladies and I will be checking each of your blogs to make sure you did it!  I am breaking the tag rules, but I also want to tag David (if he'll do it) because I want to see what his answers would be.


csotutu said...

you know that making a great meal part? I need the snickers salad recipe.

zakery atakery said...

OK! I did notice that all your obsessions were different foods. I can dig it!

zakery atakery said...

OH SNAP! This is Jennifer, not Zak. He tried starting a blog and didn't sign out so I'm signed in as him. Oops!

Jill W said...

Dang it, Aubri! It's 11:20 and I'm tired, and now I've been tagged. Sheesh!

amy welch said...

One of your fears just came true for me. I decided to go to bed instead of cleaning my kitchen last night and TWO of my neighbors randomly stopped by this morning! That never happens.... unless I decide not to clean the kitchen.

Andrew and Haley said...

that was sooo fun to read!! Thanks for doing it. Except for the Baja Fresh part. Those words aren't allowed in my house because I crave it sooo bad everyday and utah doesn't have any close! I LOVE IT TOO!!!