Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Baby Usaia and the man he's named after!

Just a few short months after Jodi's sweet Brinlee passed away, we lost another precious baby in our family.  Diana's sweet baby boy, Usaia, passed away on August 29.  (I know, we should have blogged about it sooner.)  Being born with a chromosomal imbalance, Usaia was a miracle baby from the beginning.  I was amazed at the influence this little boy had on so many people.  He was truly a choice spirit.  We were able to go to his funeral and spend time with David's family.  It was a sad occasion, but everyone handled it so well.  He will be forever missed and loved by everyone who had the pleasure of knowing him!  Here are some pictures of Baby Usaia James Lewis Wageman....

At the funeral, we were also able to spend a little time with David's dad, whom we don't get to see very often so we took some pictures with him.  Baby Usaia was also named after him.  Here are some pictures of Usaia Naiteitei Sotutu....


Coleman Family said...

I am so very sorry for your losses. What beautiful babies. How wonderful that both families can look on their short visits on earth as a blessing in their lives.

Jill W said...

My mom told me about it - I'm so sad for you. At least you have the gospel to know what choice spirits these two little ones are.

Angela said...

What a hard time for you family. I am glad you have the gospel and know that those precious ones will still be raised by their mothers in the after life.

Emily K. said...

What a trying couple months it has been for you guys. I'm so sorry. I know that time will heal all wounds, but it doesn't make it any easier to bear. I don't think I have ever met Dave's dad. That's great you guys got to spend time with them. We still pray for you, and your family.

Jason and Jessie said...

Aubry! I had no idea that you had a blog. I am sorry to hear about your new loss. Isn't it great to know that they will be with their families again? That is what I love about the gospel!

Jennifer said...

I just thought I'd say it's Usaia JAMES Lewis Wageman. Just in case you forgot or something. I love you guys. Can you believe big old Usaia will be 60 freaking years old on Saturday. He looks pretty good if I may say so myself. Yep..that's my dad, the good looking 60 year-old.

Jenny said...

Aubri, your families must have some wonderful things in store for all the tragedies you are all going through lately. I'm sorry about the loss of both beautiful babies.