Thursday, September 25, 2008

Back at the Forest Service

I haven't put any input into our blog for a while. I have been mainly updating my facebook account, when I have had time. I realize that I should probably post some things here, too. 
Well, a week ago we started our two-week Spud Harvest Break here in the Grace School District. Last year I worked in the spuds, sorting and sacking potatoes at a farm. This year, though, I am back working for the Forest Service, like I did all summer. It is good to be back with my crew there. 
Here are some of the guys on lunch break.

Last Friday, we went out to get a prescribed burn back under control. Even though it was rough getting used to packing gear up a steep hill again, it was pretty fun. We dug up a line to stop the fire and lit fires to burn back to where the fire was smoldering. I did slip and fall while I was burning some bushes and burned my wrist a little, but it wasn't as bad as the guy who fell, sprained his ankle, and rolled through a ground fire. It was really steep. 
This week I have been painting boundary marks on trees for units that will be logged. I have also been cutting down trees in another unit that will be burned in the future. It is a good time to be working in the forest. The weather isn't too hot and the mosquitoes are gone for the year. I am learning about the region and learning that not all of southeast Idaho is ugly. 

I took these photos with my phone today. They really don't capture the colors that well. We were up in the mountains just east of Grace.


Sotutus said...

I won't say I told you so, but an apology for all the rotten Idaho jokes would be nice right about now......


Your Very Patient Wife Who Has Waited The Last Eight Years Of Her Life To Hear You Say What You Just Said About Idaho

Jason and Jessie said...

Ok.... those pictures were beautiful. I am with Dave. I never thought that I could have anything nice to say about goold old Grace, Idaho. I guess we were both wrong.

Brandon Bridge said...

Such pretty pictures...I love working in the mountains

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures of one of the most beautiful spots in Idaho. I call it home--hopefully, you will too! Thanks for sharing!