Monday, September 29, 2008

Heavenly Father

So, we've been teaching Isaiah that when we makes good choices it makes Heavenly Father happy.  I've told him when he's nice to his cousins, Heavenly Father is happy.  Or when he helps mommy, Heavenly Father is happy.  That said, the following conversation took place this morning:

ME:  Isaiah, before we can go anywhere, I need you to please pick up your dirty clothes in your room and put them in the bathroom hamper.
ISAIAH:  (Carrying an arm load of clothes)  Mommy, I need you to help me clean up the rest of my room.
ME:  I think you can do that yourself.  You are a big boy now.
ISAIAH:  Mommy, don't you want to make Heavenly Father happy???

At 5 years old, he has already mastered the guilt trip!


amy welch said...

That's great!

Trina said...

Hey Aubri,
Isaiah is so cute...and smart is sounds like. It is amazing how fast kids catch on and through things back in our faces. Sounds like you are training him well! Micah and Isaiah would get along great. Micah seems to use the old guilt trip on us a lot!

Jeremy and Debbie said...

That is so funnny! Were you able to keep from smiling or laughing? I would have just started laughing. Tanner is 5 also, and he says some of the funniest things! Your family is so cute!

Angela said...

What a crack up. Sounds just like something Jax would say. Kids figure things our too fast.

Brandon Bridge said...

haha nice work buddy

Jyl... said...

And I bet you helped him because he is to cute to resist!!! You better watch out!

Anonymous said...

Soo cute but yeah be prepared.They are soo good at doing stuff like that and a lot of the time it is really hard not to laugh.