Thursday, September 18, 2008

Something to blog about....

So, I'm really trying to be better at keeping this blog going.  Our lives aren't very interesting, though, so it's hard.  We kinda do the same old thing day in and day out.  David works every day and is starting back with the forest service tomorrow (just during potato harvest).  Isaiah is going to preschool 2 days a week and absolutely loves it, but not as much as he loves playing video games.  I have got to get that boy broken of that!  I am working 4 days a week for my dad and on my days off, I have little motivation to do anything very interesting., I am going to Jodi's to make a huge load of raspberry jam.  I can hardly wait.  I can already taste it.  Yummm.....  


Anonymous said...

Does sound yummy especially because it reminds me of the scones from the fair which reminds me that I need to find some who's going so they can get me some :).

Anonymous said...

I had to tell you that when I was getting my lunch out of the fridge here at work, I found two scones I had brought and forgotten about last week.Yay!! They still taste good but I guess only time will tell.

Angela said...

That jam looks so yummy. I would love some good old bear lake raspberries about right now. And way to go on the canning. I am impressed.

Anonymous said...

I love what you blog about!!! and your blog looks GREAT by the way...special to see those pictures.

2nd Time Around said...

We just finished raspberry jam. It was so fun to do. I never thought I would say something so nerdy! I0 guess i am growing up!! Cute blog!

Brandon Bridge said...

Love the new blinging blog look! How did you know raspberry jam is my fave, and that you need to come bring me some this week!

Coombs Family said...

mmm, that looks yummy!

Jennifer said...

I've heard it ships well. Just to be sure you should probably send me some!