Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Lighter Side

After my blog yesterday, I decided to post something a little lighter.  I apologize to anyone who thought I was ranting.  Sometimes, though, just getting it all out there helps me clear my head and act in the right direction.  We continue to pray and talk it out - looking at all options - but keep us in your thoughts if you know anyone who is looking to place a child for adoption.  It's a long shot, but you never know....

Anyway, last night David and Isaiah had a "dance off" of the ghetto-est kind.  It was fabulous. Unfortunately, the video I took won't post, so pictures will have to do for now.  And I just realized that David erased all the pictures I took of him.  I'll try to get the video posted so you can see his sweet moves that surely came from 1995.  Until then, here's a few of Isaiah's moves.  You know, pictures just don't do him justice...


Jenny said...

Ha ha! The pictures are hilarious and I would love to see the video. I would also love to see the pictures of Dave dancing! I wish I had some advice to give you regarding your last post. Just know that I think you guys are such great parents, and I know things will work out for you.

Jason and Jessie said...

I can totally see those two dancing. You guys are so funny. I was just thinking about your other blog and Melanie came to my mind. I don't know if you would like to talk to her side... I know it is the opposite but she knows what the mothers are looking for and can give you some ideas probably. I don't know. Just a thought.

amy welch said...

Ghetto style dance offs are a regular at the Welch house! They're the best.

Brandon Bridge said...

I love it! Get your groove on

Jennifer said...

I love that boy!

Ty and Janene said...

Hey its Janene just wanted to say how adorable your little guy is of course you all ready now that. Man it looks like you need to get that kid in gymnastics or hip-hop I bet he gets those moves from you heehee

tara said...

Hi Aubri. IT's Tara Sorensen if you didn't recognize the name. YOu have a darling and energetic boy. It's great to check you out.