Thursday, November 20, 2008

I'm Smitten!


Mosers said...

Oh soooooooo cute !!!!

Trina said...

There really isn't words for those special moments, are there? Have so much fun with her! You are such a good aunt. She is so loved already!

Tiffani Tarbet said...

She is adorable Aubri, I think she looks a lot like Brandi. I bet you are all enjoying her so much! Tell your family hi for me.

Brandon Bridge said...

What a little cutie pie

Jennifer said...

She is so precious!

Jill W said...

Okay, I'm going to be a bit obnoxious, so get prepared! First, she's a beautiful baby, and you look like a very proud aunt! Now for the obnoxious part - do I dare? Am I allowed to post a comment like this? I will, since my mom used to say it about me all the time before my babies' heads grew. At leat in that camera angle, your boob looks bigger than her head! Don't worry, it's still a sweet, beautiful picture!

Jason and Jessie said...

Who wouldn't be smitten with that cute little face? When I held her I was smitten too! I'll bet that she isn't spoiled at all!