Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Newest Addition!!

My sister, Brandi, gave birth to her 3rd child last night!  It was a long and miserable pregnancy for her, so we were all way excited to welcome Tyelor Jo to our family!  Tyelor weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz. and was 19 1/4 inches long.  She's a healthy and beautiful baby girl!

Because you may be wondering where her name came from...."Tyelor" (pronounced Tyler) is because that's what her big sis and big bro chose and "Jo" because she's named after our sweet Brinlee Jo we lost in May.  Tyelor Jo is a very special gift to our family for many, many reasons!

Isn't she just the cutest!!?

Grandpa and big sis, Taelor.

Big bro, Colson, isn't quite sure what he thinks yet.

Please excuse my appearance.  It was a really long day of timing contractions!  :)

Below is Tyelor with her new favorite aunt.  (You're welcome, Jodi!)


Andrew and Haley said...

so cute!!! tell brandi congrats and the rest of your fam hi for me!!

amy welch said...

She's so cute! I wanna hold a little baby.

Jyl... said...

Tell Brandi congratulations! She is cute. Hopefully we'll get to meet her someday:)

Jill W said...

She's so sweet! You and your sisters are so beautiful. I'm sure little Tyelor will be just the same!

flip said...

She is sweet... and I think it is awesome that she is named after Brinlee...Fresh from heaven... oh..I love it!

Brandon Bridge said...

She's adorable. How fun! You look cute too by the way!

Trina said...

Horray! I am so excited for Brandi! Tell her congrats! Tyelor is so beautiful. But what can you expect with such good jeans, right!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the favorite aunt comment, all I have to say is do you blame her. Just kiddin.
Love ya,