Thursday, January 22, 2009

Am I the only one?

As a mother, having my child tell me he is hungry is probably the worst thing I could ever be told.  I feel like a negligent mother if I let his tummy get hungry.  This morning before breakfast, he told me he was starving and I wanted to cry.  Is that weird?


Jennifer said...

Yes, you are a total weirdo! Just kidding. When my kids tell me they're hungry I feel like I should call CPS and report myself.

Jill W said...

I don't feel guilty. I give Lucy plenty of opportunity to eat, and she usually ignores me. So when she decides 5 minutes before she goes to bed that she's hungry, well, she'll just have to settle for a sippy of milk or a drink of water. Also, I'm guessing you're going to have to get used to it, since Isaiah's a growing boy! I think boys are always hungry!

Anonymous said...

i have to agree with the first portion of jennifer's response. you're a nutty chick! when my kiddies tell me they're hungry i don't feel bad i just feed them. i figure the good Lord gave these little people mouths and words so they could tell us how to take care of them... the words for needing their little bellies filled are something like" hey mommy, i'm hungry"

Mosers said...

Kaylan is always starving and hungry 10 or 5 minutes after we finish dinner. One day she threw her pizza out the window and when we got where we were goning not 3 minutes later.. she was hungry.. I think it's a stage! Don't feel bad