Wednesday, January 14, 2009

...and now I'm grumpy!

Isaiah is sick today.  He threw up at preschool.  I hate it when Isaiah is sick because he has such a sad sick face.  When I went to pick him up from preschool, he was so sad.  His teacher told me he threw up one time.  When we got in the car, he told me he threw up two times - once in the garbage (which his teacher knew about) and once under the table (which his teacher apparently did not know about).  I feel bad for the next kid that goes to put their feet under the table and comes out with a surprise.  Gross.  I probably should have called his teacher and told her about the other puke, but I didn't.  I'll tell you why I didn't.  When I went to pick Isaiah up from preschool, I fell on the sidewalk outside his teachers' house.  I fell so hard I thought I broke my teeth out.  You know when you fall and you jar your jaw?  That's what I did.  I hate falling because it's embarrassing, like you can't control your own body.  When I fall, I feel ashamed too like everyone looks at me like I'm crazy or something.  Not that anyone did, but I still feel like that's what they were thinking.  Anyway, I hit my butt on the ice so hard, that now it hurts to stand or sit or walk or talk or type or eat or sleep or cry.  Speaking of crying, when I fell, if nobody would have been around, I probably would have cried because it hurt so bad, but I didn't.  Instead I was embarrassed.  That's why I didn't tell his teacher about the puke.  I'm a bad person, I know, but my butt hurts and now I'm grumpy!


[AnnieR] said...

Snow, vomit, and falling = all reasons to be grumpy alone, but especially put all together.

The other day, I was coming home from the grocery store and was on a semi-deserted country road. In the middle of nowhere was this house and in the driveway, was this guy working on his car with the hood open. He stood up really fast and totally hit his head on the opened hood. He started rubbing it, then looked around to see if anyone had seen him. The only person around was me driving down the road and we made eye contact. I felt so bad that I had witnessed what looked to be something that belonged on America's Funniest Home Videos. I bet he was grumpy all day, too.

I hope your day is better tomorrow and that Isaiah recovers quickly. We're dealing with vomit at our house right now, too. So not cool.

Angela said...

So sad that Isaiah is sick. I always feel bad for little sick kids. As for you...that sucks about the fall and I would have done that same thing about the puke thing. It is a little embarrassing to fall and now you hurt all over. I wish I was there to bring you soup and watch the Bachelor. Miss ya!

the nice one said...

no fun! I'm glad that wasn't my classroom.
i fell on the ice last week and the bruises are almost gone! i always feel like such an idiot! i hope that you didn't bruise your rump!!

Emily K. said...

My kids have had the throw-ups, and it is really sad. The worst thing is when your kids are sick. And, I did cry today. A lot. It made me feel so much better. Sometimes you just have to let it all out. Maybe if you had a little more padding on your rump it wouldn't hurt as bad. I actually try to fall on my hiney when I know I'm falling, because it is well insulated on my backside. I guess that's one of the downfalls of being a skinny minny.

Mosers said...

Oh.. it happens to all of us!!! Or at least to me!!! I think I have a broken bone in my foot from the wheel on my moms bed from our last visit! :) Smile!! I'm sure the teacher found the mess....and probably giggled about it later! Poor sick kid... it's awful when they are sick!

Brandon Bridge said...

OH man, I hate being sick...get better Isaiah! Speaking of falling I have quite the little story for you. Two days ago, I was up at 6am getting ready to head to the gym. I walked out the front door and took two steps down the stairs hit ice and fell the rest of the way down. Ok so I'm done working out. Walk out the door not even 3 steps hit ice, and down I go!! Twice! In about 2 hours! I hate falling, it hurts so bad!

amy welch said...

I hate it when I have days like that. They shouldn't be allowed!

Anonymous said...

Are you alright?! Good grief--maybe you should go to a doctor & get your butt & back x-rayed to make sure you didn't break anything! I'm sorry for you both, but, I'm pretty sure Isaiah will recover much quicker than you will!

Jennifer said...

This made me laugh...a lot!