Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's a miracle!!!

Jodi went in for a routine check-up today and found out she's having...

I can't control my excitement!!!


Jeremy and Debbie said...

YEA!!!!!!! That is so Awesome!!!! I am on the phone with my mom, and she is almost in tears! Congratulation!!!!

Jenny said...

Wow!!! That is beyond exciting!! I am so happy for them!!!!!

Angela said...

That is so awesome. Fun for you too. ou get double the cute babies to hold and spoil.

the nice one said...

oh that is so wonderful!! thanks for sharing the exciting news!!

Jennifer said...

I still can't get over your voice when you called. I've never heard anything quite like it. I am truly excited for them!

csotutu said...

That is unbelievable! Do we know if they are boys, girls or one of each?

Sotutus said...

We don't know the sex yet as she is only 8 weeks along. She's got 3 long months before she will find out what they are and then another 4 months before she will have them. It's going to be a LONG summer, but it will so be worth it!!! :)

Emily K. said...

What a wonderful blessing. The Lord definitely works in mysterious ways. Congratulations to Jodi, and your whole family.

Jason and Jessie said...

I can't wait to see them!

Mary Clark said...

I found your blog and wanted to say hi! Its been a while since I've seen you probably at our 5 year reunion. You have a cute little family and what a hadsome little boy. Here is a link to my blog be sure to check it out

mary Clark (Samson)