Monday, February 2, 2009

Hi ho! Hi ho! It's off to work I go!

I finally decided to bite the bullet and just accepted a job at the bank here in town.  I'm not too excited about going back to work (even if it's only part-time), but I am way excited about getting our bills paid off faster!!  I've just been feeling this urgency lately to do whatever it takes to get ourselves out of debt, so here we go.  I will be working half a week at the bank and the other half and weekends at my parents' grocery store.  It will be busy and David is going to have to start helping out more around the house (which he isn't thrilled about), but I think it will be worth it for now.  My sister and sweet cousin have agreed to watch Isaiah for me, so he's excited to get to play with his cousins!

Wish us luck!


Jennifer said...

Get it done sister, get it done!

Tiffani Tarbet said...

Good luck with your new job! Once you get going, you probably won't mind working. It's kind of nice to get out of the house, and of course, the money makes it all worth it!

Trina said...

Good luck Aubri! I hope it all goes good for you! I understand the feeling of wanting to get out of debt as fast as you can. Mabey you can pay things off faster than you think and then you can stay home! How does Isaiah feel about it all?

Sotutus said...

Isaiah doesn't care about anything as long he gets to play with his cousins!

Brandon Bridge said...

Good luck Miss!