Sunday, February 8, 2009

Homemade Giveaway!

An amazing friend of mine posted this on her blog (I may have tweeked it a little bit), but I thought it looked too fun to pass up so I thought I'd give it a shot.  Dave might be surprised that I'm doing this, but so am I!

Anyway, here's how it goes.

The first 5 people to respond to this post will get something homemade by me!  I know what you are thinking....."do I really want something made by Aubri???"  But you might just be surprised what I can do!

Like any good giveaway, there are restrictions and limitations, as follows:

1.  I make no guarantees that you will like what I make.  I get to choose, you just get to receive!
2.  What I create will be made just for of a kind!
3.  It will be done this year.....hopefully sooner, rather than later.
4.  The gift may or may not be edible, wearable or recyclable!
5.  In order to be a winner, you must repost this on your blog.  The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me you did will receive one FABULOUS-o homemade gift by me!  After I choose the winners, you can send me your mailing address!

Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you receive it!


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to be the first to sign this. You don't need to send us anything.

Jeremy and Debbie said...

What a fun idea! I did what you asked and it sounds way fun! Who would be scared to get anything from you! You are an amazing person!

csotutu said...

I don't have a blog. Can I still win? I will make jennifer post it on hers...

Brandon Bridge said...

Woo hoo I'm still in the top 5....yeeeah. Can't wait can't wait.

Sotutus said...

Remember, you gotta post on your blog to get something!

Jennifer said...

I'm doing it! SEND ME SOMETHING!!!
I should note that I am double dipping, you and a friend from my ward did this at the same time, I figure it kosher though. So there!

Anonymous said...

o crap i hate losing at anything especially getting something homemade by Aubri!!!!! You are so fun I love you!!