Saturday, May 16, 2009

Niter Ice Cave

Last weekend Isaiah and I (Dave) went on an adventure to the Niter Ice Cave here in Grace. Isaiah liked it and wants to go back. He wants Aubri to come with us. There weren't any bats in the cave, but there were some birds near the entrance. So she won't go.

Here we are making our way down into the cave.

Here is Isaiah with a specimen of actual Niter Cave Ice.

Although he didn't want to lead the way in, he was OK with leading the way out of the cave.

Here's Isaiah above the mouth of the cave.

This is looking back towards Grace, to the north of the cave.


csotutu said...

Can you go in during the summer,too? That might be fun to do when we are there in August.

Jennifer said...

I'd say that's a definite must do next time we're there.

Isaiah is so very extremely good looking! I love that boy.