Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Remember when...

Just a little jog down memory lane for my love of 9 years. For everyone else, this may or may not bore you to tears, but this one is all for HIM......

Remember when we were first introduced and I secretly thought you where making your name up because SOTUTU couldn't actually be a real last name?

Remember when you told me you needed a date for a bowling night your roommates were planning just so you could ask me out, then nobody else showed up?

Remember how cold it was outside the first time you kissed me?

Remember when you spun a huge web of lies just so you could drive to Grace to ask my dad if you could marry me?

Remember our first house with the rotten flooring, broken chimney and creepy basement? Remember when we were too scared to even sleep in it the first night because we discovered a secret door in the basement?

Remember when our favorite date night was a Hollywood Video and a Jamba Juice?

Remember when we bought our first car together, the red Grand Am, and we thought we had just hit the jackpot?

Remember how excited we were when we were finally able to leave the freezing cold of Rexburg and move to the big city of Seattle?

Remember how we learned very quickly what being broke was all about when I was working for pennies and you were student teaching for free?

Remember how fun it was when we finally bought our first house and how quickly we realized how much work it was to own our own home? Remember how long it took to paint the dreaded RED wall before we could finally move in?

Remember when our favorite date night still included a Jamba Juice?

Remember when we were crazy enough to actually have two foreign exchange students live with us?

Remember how nervous we were on April 4, 2006, the night before we became PARENTS?

Remember the day we found out you got a job in Idaho Falls and had to leave Seattle in four days?

Remember the day we took our beautiful son to the temple to be sealed to us?

Remember what a crazy year we had after we left Seattle - homeless, home owners, homeless again, home owners again?

Remember the night we got in our car accident, totaled my parents truck and lost all our furniture, but were still alive?

Remember how we bought the house across the street from my parents?

Remember how we have been married for 9 crazy years and today's our anniversary?


I love you, babe! Happy Anniversary! Maybe we can go get a Jamba Juice tonight!


Angela said...

I loved that post. You are so creative. Happy 9th. We just celebrated ours. Time flies when you are having fun!

nea and rusty said...

happy anniversary! fun to have the 'remember when' memories; hope there are many more to be made...

csotutu said...

Oh, Snap! I remember a lot of those things, but still forgot to call you guys today. I hope you got your Jamba Juice. Love you

Jennifer said...

I LOVED this!!! I remember most of those and can imagine vividly the rest of them. I love you guys so much! I'm sorry this is the first year in 9 that I didn't talk to either of you on your anniversary. I'm slackin'!

Emily K. said...

Happy 9 years!! Our 9 year anniversary is soon, too. We sure are getting old aren't we? (Well, Dave is) You guys are the greatest. Congratulations!

Tiffani Tarbet said...

Aubri, you guys are so cute! I can't you have been married for 9 years! Congrats

Brandon Bridge said...

Brandon and I are sitting here cracking up over most of these, you guys are the best! Happy Anniversary! When do we next get to hang out??