Friday, July 24, 2009

It has been a while

Well, Aubri hasn't posted anything for a while. She would probably want you to think that it is because she is so busy. But in truth, the real reason is that she wastes, I mean, spends most of her time of the computer playing Farm Town on facebook.
We have done some different things in the last month and a half, since our last post. I am still working for the forest service and will be for about three more weeks. Then I will head back to the school. Isaiah will be going with me, too. That is exciting. Aubri is still working at the bank here in Grace.
Isaiah and I made a quick trip to Washington over the 4th of July weekend. All of us went to a family reunion for Aubri's family near Garden Valley, ID. It was a week after the Washington trip.
Isaiah took swimming lessons and TODAY IS HIS BIRTHDAY. (I am still waiting for him to wake up.)
Aubri's sister, Jodi, also had twin girls a couple of days ago. I'm sure she will post more about that later.
Here are some of my favorite photos from the last month and a half.

On the ferry from Seattle to Bremerton.

Isaiah doing flips into Benson Lake in WA.

Isaiah and I went on a hike at the family reunion. It got steep in some parts.

Definitely my favorite photo of the bunch. At the family reunion, there was a "Family Challenge" competition with different rounds involving different challenges. In this round, the competitors had to drink a two-liter bottle of pop as fast as they could. Aubri and Brandi were eliminated during this round since they did not complete the challenge, although they made a valiant attempt.

Here Aubri is near one of the several relatives who threw up after the two-liters-of-pop round. She didn't throw up, but she did expel one of the loudest burps I have ever heard. It sounded like a mixture of a roar of a lion, the mating call of a Nile crocodile, and the motor of a speedboat starting up. The bystanders and I were in awe. She was pretty shocked, as well.


Jodi said...

Sounds like fun. I need to come to one of your reunions. No one has one on either side of my family.

csotutu said...

Happy Birthday to Isaiah! I tried to call, but nobody answered. Hope he heard my lovely singing.

Jeremy and Debbie said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! Congrats to Jodi and Bryant!!!!

Brandon Bridge said...

hahaha I'm still laughing about the end part there...Happy Birthday Isaiah! We miss you guys!