Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My Defense

1.  David of course posted this while I was at work.  I would not have allowed this to ever hit the blog, but I am the bigger person and will allow it (for now).  Anyway, Chris made me realize that once something hits the internet, there is no going back.  Undoubtedly, once deleted, it would make it way back to the blog one way or another and will probably still be haunting me ten years from now.  So, I will live with it.

2.  As mentioned in my previous post, it was freezing while we were there.  I did not plan ahead enough to pack something warm that I could lounge in, so Grandma offered her sweatshirt.  I am heartless, but not enough to turn down my own Grandmother!  What kind of person do you think I am??

3.  The pink polo collar poking out of the sweatshirt was not my doing.  My grandmother actually took the time to sew it on the sweatshirt herself.  I think it adds a little something special, don't you?

Seriously though, I love my grandma.  I make fun at her sweatshirt, but someday I hope to be a grandma with grandkids and great-grandkids running around and making fun of my clothes....I could only be so lucky!


Annie said...

Girlfriend, you could go around wearing a trash bag and you'd still be so cute.

Emily K. said...

I agree. You're always so dang cute. You are so lucky to live by your grandma now, and it's nice that you are able to wear her sweatshirt. Your sister doesn't look pregnant at all by the way! So tiny, just like you.

Mandy said...

I love the sweatshirt and I can also say I love your grandma! I think all the weaver decendents did the sew-in collar thing...my grandma had several like that for sure! Keep warm you guys.