Wednesday, July 2, 2008

June is Over

Well, like Aubri said, we are trying to be better at keeping this blog updated. There isn't too much to post, though. We made it through June. I went the whole month without injuring myself at work. I was impressed and happy about that.
Also like Aubri said, Isaiah is continuing to grow too fast. He is going to be 5 this month! He loves the summer, especially the shorts, the flip-flops, and the over-abundance of bugs. Here are a couple of photos from June.

This is me in the forest with my chain saw. (We named our saws. I would tell you mine's name, but it is a symbol. We just refer to it as "the chain saw formerly known as Stewart".)

Here is Isaiah. He is in his room for time-out because he wouldn't stay in Primary. (I know he looks angry, but it is adorable.)


the nice one said...

i can't believe ya'll's baby is 5!!

Emily K. said...

That is a pretty adorable, angry face. Glad to see you guys back.

Brandon Bridge said...

You're right he IS growing too fast! Hazel's sitting here on my lap right now pointing at Isaiah and speaking jiberish... haha She must think he's pretty darn cute!

Jennifer said...

I love that picture of Isaiah. I also appreciate the picture of David so I know for sure that you guys weren't lying about that. I was a little skeptical, but now I know it's the truth.

The Perry's said...

I make that same face when Jace sends me to my room for talking to much in church. :) He's so cute!!

Kessee said...

That picture of Isaiah is adorable I love the angry face. He is SOOOOO cute! Glad you are doing good. It was fun to talk to you the other day. We need to do it more.