Monday, January 19, 2009

It passed with flying colors!

So, I'm not a huge movie critic, but I do have one big test every movie has to pass in order for me to say I like it.  My test is simple, but telling.  My test is that I have to stay awake!  I can and will fall asleep in ANY movie if it is the least bit boring.  If I stay awake in a movie, it must be a good one.  This movie has been on my Netflix queue for awhile, but there was always something else I wanted to see more.  Anyway, I finally got around to watching it Saturday night (from my bed, nonetheless) and I stayed awake!  I don't think I even thought about sleeping!  For me, that is HUGE!

I thought it was funny when it was supposed to be funny and touching when it was supposed to be touching.  I thought the acting was exceptional and the story line perfect!  It's not at all what I expected it to a good way!

Watch it!


[AnnieR] said...

Everyone should see this movie. At least twice.

Sotutus said...

I loved it so much that I watched it Saturday night and then again last night. Awesome!

Jenny said...

That's so funny because I am the exact same way. I can't stay awake in a movie to save my life unless it's really really good. This may be the big frustration of our marriage for Troy.

Trina said...

Well, I am going to give it a whorl!

Brandon Bridge said...

That is such a great movie, I loved it

Jennifer said...

OK, I give in. I'll watch it!