Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Debt Elimination.....ugh!!

Like I said in my last post, I really want to focus on getting out of debt this year.  I don't mean paying off the house, but I want to get rid of all our other debt (car, credit cards, student loans, etc.).  Does anyone have any good suggestions?  What has worked for you?  

To preface this, I have to say that David and I are actually fairly good at budgeting and managing our money.  We have a monthly budget set up and are pretty good at sticking to it, but I'm looking for other options to get ourselves out of debt quicker.  I need suggestions that are attainable.  Not just "stop spending."  Has anyone ever refinanced or does anyone really love your mortgage company?  If so, who is it?  I am looking at refinancing because interest rates are so low, but I don't know which bank to go with.  I could stay with the one we currently have, but after being put on hold for 2 1/2 hours over the last two days, I'm not sure they want my business very badly!

Anyway, let's hear it!!


tara said...

Check out Dave Ramsey's book called, "The Total Money Makeover". We absolutely love it. It's step by step debt elimination and wealth building. We have been doing it since October and have come a long way already.

tara said...

This is Tara Sorensen if you didn't recognize the name.

Anonymous said...

I know a good rule of thumb for refinancing is that it has be at least 1 percentage point or more to be worth it. You also don't want to shrink your loan term limit. ANYWHO, good luck!

csotutu said...

I like GMAC, who has my mortgage, but their rates are not as low as some. Their web address is GMACMortgage.com

Mosers said...

E-mail me I have tons of info for you that will make you happy!

I like US Bank because they don't make you pay that 1% loan origination fee so instead of paying 5000.00 + on closing costs it's more like 2500.00.. rates are really low right now.. I have a lot of info for you so e-mail me!

Mosers said...

You will find a long wait on the phone right now because everyone is refinancing for lower rates... if you can go directly to the place it may help.

Jodi said...

We just refinanced with Mike Hall at Zions in Logan. Richard really likes him because he actually returns phone calls and get things done fast.

Jill W said...

Since you're working at the bank now, sometimes employees can get specials like no loan origination fee. My loan guy is through Diversified Home Loans, and he searches a bunch of different companies to get you the best rate. My dad also heard that Congress might pass a bill to lower all mortgage rates to 4.5% (ask him about it!).

Also, make sure your student loans are all consolidated. When we did it, it cut our payment almost in half. You could do it and keep your payment the same, so you would pay it off in half the time.

Heather Inns said...

Hey Aubri, this is Heather Inns. I found your blog through Angela's. I just wanted you to know I was checking it out. Do you care if I add you to my list? You can check out our blog and add it if you would like it is innsfamily.blogspot.com.

How are you doing? I have not seen or heard from you in the longest time. Are you in young womens in your ward? Your little boys is getting so big. I hope all is going well. Love Heather

colleen said...

dave ramsey dave ramsey dave ramsey

get my point? : >

love your pictures !
Auntie Colleen