Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Best 3 Years

I know we have neglected the blog lately, but today is a very special day so I thought I'd document it. Today is Isaiah's 3 year Adoption Day. We usually try to celebrate it much like a birthday, but don't usually buy him gifts. We like to spend the day with our boy doing whatever our little man wants to do. Since it does fall on a Sunday this year, we decided to celebrate yesterday, so we went to McDonald's (his choice) for lunch and then went and saw "Monsters vs. Aliens" at the fheater. (That's theater with an F. The way Isaiah says it.) We had a great day together!

The boys in their 3D glasses.

I just have to say what an amazing little man our Isaiah is. Three years ago, he came into our lives with very little notice and stole our hearts immediately. I remember the first time I laid eyes on him, I thought he was the most handsome little man I had ever seen. Probably a lot like any mother that has given birth. He was so sweet, so innocent. All he wanted to do was be held and told everything was going to be ok. He was terrified, but so were we. I remember the way he smelled - it was different, not bad or gross - just different. I remember how he liked to smell everything. I think it was a comfort thing. He would smell our skin or our hands. He smelled everything before he decided if it was safe or not. He was so different, but so amazing. The last three years with him have, of course, been the best three years of our lives. He is such a sweet boy - never wanting to disappoint or anger anyone. He is a pleaser. He likes to make people happy. He has a big heart and an even bigger imagination. He is smart and sweet and oh so very handsome. To put it simply, he is just a good boy in every way. He has taught me to love in a completely different way than I ever did before. He was a miracle the day we got him, and has been every day since. I absolutely love my Isaiah!


csotutu said...

I love that boy,too, plus his parents that brought him into my life. Can't wait for Disneyland!
-Keoni's grandma

[AnnieR] said...

I remember the day he came to you--I was so happy for you guys. I also remember and the story of how he and David slept in the same position. Freaky! Meant to be! Yeehaw!

Coleman Family said...

He seems like such a sweet little guy. I was so excited when I heard you had adopted a little boy - you all look so completely in love with each other! Congrats on 3 years together!

the nice one said...

how wonderful!! he is such a handsome little man!!

Trina said...

I am so glad you guys got him!!! You are wonderful parents, and he is so lucky to have you! You are doing a great job!!!!

Jennifer said...

I love him too!!!

nea and rusty said...

what a fun anniversary to celebrate-- i also remember the day he came and the fun "baby shower" party that we did for you. what a handsome boy he is!!

Tiffani Tarbet said...

Isaiah is awesome! He fits so well into your family!

Emily K. said...

What a handsome guy! He was so meant to come to you, and you are wonderful parents. Congrats to 3 years, and many more to come!

Brandon Bridge said...

We love our Isaiah!

Jason and Jessie said...

Has it been three years already? I can't believe it. I love that little man too, and so does Braden. He can't wait to play with his "friends" again.

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky to have found that little guy--he was truly meant to be yours!Thank for your reply to my last post.