Sunday, August 23, 2009

Our Summer in Pictures!

So, it's been way too long since I updated our blog, so to spare you all the details, I'll just sum up our summer in pictures cause that's what everyone likes to see anyway!

We started of the summer with Isaiah playing T-Ball. David was the coach, but because of work wasn't able to coach as much as planned, so guess who got to be the fill-in?? You guessed it - ME! As if I know the first thing about coaching any kind of sport! Luckily, five year olds are clueless too!

This is Isaiah at his first game. Wasn't he so cute!?

Isaiah took swimming lessons this summer and LOVED it! He's a little fish, so anything water related, he's in! I didn't get pictures of swimming lessons, but here he is at Grandma's house playing in the water.

David and Isaiah got to take a quick surprise trip to The Lake to see David's family. This is a picture with Isaiah and all of his cousins on David's side. As you can see, getting them to all sit still long enough for a picture is quite a challenge!

A rare picture of David and his parents. I love this picture (minus the grotesque 'stache he's sporting!)

David already blogged about our family reunion, but I had to share a few more photos from our Family Challenge. In this one, I had to chew ten pieces of bubble gum and blow a bubble.

In this event, Brandi had to eat a whole jar of baby food. (Jyl and Mandy, I LOVE your mom's face in this one!!) Brandi did gag a few times towards the bottom of the jar.

Brandi balancing an egg on a spoon. She was the first to cross the finish line!

The Caribou County Fair was a few weeks ago and we had a blast! David's family was also able to visit during that time. It was a super busy week, filled with parades, rodeos, and, best of all, PIG WRESTLING!

Brandi and I were on a team sponsored by Ireland Bank, my mom was on a team sponsored by Sam's Market, and my dad was on a team consisting of 4 business owners in town. We had to dress up for the event and they gave out a trophy to the best dressed team. Brandi and I were Big Bad Wolves chasing the little piggy, my mom's team dressed as pigs and their shirts said "These little piggies work at the market." (Very clever!) My dad's team dressed in suits with top hats. They, of course, won the trophy for Best Dressed! None of us were able to actually catch the pig and get it in the barrel, but we had a blast trying!

This is me as I'm coming out of the pen. It was waaaayyy harder than it looked!

This is a picture of my mom, Brandi, dad and me after we all wrestled! Nasty!

Staying true to the "Piggies at the Market" theme, Isaiah, Taelor and Colson dressed as pigs and pushed grocery carts in the Kid's Day Parade. They were too cute!

David dressed as Smoky Bear in the Saturday night parade. I had no idea he was doing it, but quickly figured it out when the bear was throwing kisses at me!

Needless to say, we had an amazing summer! It went way too fast, but we had a blast!

Last week, David and Isaiah started school! David is teaching 2nd grade again and Isaiah started Kindergarten!! He was so excited! We was pretty nervous until we went school shopping and he got a superhero backpack, then he could wait to get to wear it to school and show it off! I would be lying if I said I wasn't sad to let my "baby" go to school, but I was excited for him! I did cry when I dropped him off, but not until he was in the classroom and he couldn't see me.

Here he is getting ready to leave the house. Isn't he so handsome!?

David and Isaiah walking up to the school. I LOVE this picture!! I'm so happy that David is a teacher and will be able to be with Isaiah every day. He's a good daddy!

We got there a little early so we just hung out in David's classroom until it was time to go to Kindergarten!

Isaiah was so anxious to go inside, but I made him stand in front of the door for one more picture!

I still can't believe he's old enough to go to school!!!


csotutu said...

Who is the handsomest boy? I am so glad that he was excited to go to school. How does he like it?

Jenny said...

I love all the pictures! You kill me, Aub. I love that you helped coach Isaiah's team! That's where I would have drawn the line. :) I love the picture of you with the ten pieces of gum in your mouth. And I loved your family in the "pig" costumes. And Isaiah, of course, is a handsome little devil. What a cutie on his first day of school.

I'm so happy that the babies are doing well. The girls are beautiful. I hope they get to come home soon.

Unknown said...

what a fun filled summer!! i looks like you got to do so much fun stuff! i am excited for jodi too, her girls are adorable! by the way i loved the pig wrestling it was hilarious!! you forgot our ten year reunion, it turned out great! such a cute boy going to school! cambria starts preschool and i don't want to think about kindergarten next year. then i'm sure the years will just fly as they are in school.
it is great fun reading your families stuff! send me your e-mail and i can invite you to mine if you want.