Friday, December 18, 2009

Time Flies

I can't believe it's been so long since we last updated our blog. I really wish I was better at managing my time and prioritizing. Maybe then, you would hear from me more than once every few months. Anyway, I'm hoping (not committing) to be better at blogging in 2010. We have so much to be thankful for and so many fun things to share about our lives. Isaiah is growing up so fast and I want to be able to document it, but for now I will just post a few pictures....

For Halloween, Isaiah was dead set on being Sonic the Hedgehog. I couldn't find a costume anywhere that didn't cost a small fortune, so my mom lovingly made one for him. I think it turned out pretty cute. What made it the best was the look on his face when he was wearing it!

Isaiah is learning to read and write like a little champion! Here's a picture of something his teacher posted in the hallway of his writing. He's getting so smart and growing so fast! It actually makes me cry a little every time I listen to him read.

Isaiah can't hardly wait for Christmas. He's more excited this year than he's ever been before. He was asking back at the beginning of November when we could put the Christmas tree up and I kept telling him "not until after Thanksgiving." So, of course, the moment he swallowed his last bite of Thanksgiving dinner, he was ready! Now he can hardly wait until Christmas Eve when we track Santa online.


Coleman Family said...

Isaiah sounds so darling! It's such a fun age to have around the holidays. I forget how old he is? 5? And what a good idea tracking Santa, I'll have to check that out! Good job on the blogging - keep it up!

nea and rusty said...

you all look so great in your new photo. isaiah is growing tons, huh!
so funny about him wanting to be sonic. that's what cole kept telling me too (thanks to a lot of hanging out with an video game obsessed brother of mine!) i could not think of a costume, so i steered him towards something else that we had on hand-- a cow! not quite the same. i like isaiah's costume- so creative- and i'll bet he was thrilled by the looks of things!
beautiful cmas tree!
happy holidays!!

Emily K. said...

What a sweet boy!! So, are you guys gonna give us a call when you're up here, or flake out again? We just moved to Renton/May Valley, so we're a little closer. . . We'd love to see you.