Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas/New Year's 2009

So, I told myself I was going to be a better blogger in 2010, but it doesn't look like I'm off to a very good start. Anyway, I just wanted to post a couple of pictures from Christmas.

Sadly, this is the best shot we got of Isaiah seeing his Santa presents.  (And I realize it doesn't look like much, but Santa told me he spent way more on those Mario and Luigi action figures than on all the other presents combined!)

The twins were able to make their debut appearance at Grandma and Grandpa's house on Christmas morning!  It was so much fun to have them with us!!  Tyelor loved trying to poke them in the eye too!

My mom got all the grandkids matching pajamas for Christmas.  Trying to get all the kids to look at the camera at the same time was impossible, so I just posted the one where Isaiah's looking!

We had so much fun with our family here in Grace on Christmas, then got to spend at week at New Year's with David's family in Washington.  We had the greatest time!!  We stayed up way too late every night and were way more exhausted when we got home than when we left, but it was worth it!  We were also able to catch up with old friends, so it made the trip even more fun.  Lamely, we didn't take any pictures while we were there, so sorry.

On a side note, David and I brought home some fantastic colds from Seattle and are still trying to fight them off.  Luckily, Isaiah has remained healthy!


Emily K. said...

We loved seeing you guys. I'm sorry we had to cut it short. I felt bad the whole night, that we totally kicked you guys out. Why in the world did you guys move to Idaho? We miss you!!!

csotutu said...

Can you believe we did not take any pics while you were here? I am kicking myself!