Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Blahs!

So, I just sat down at the computer and read 3 superb confessions - one from my sis-in-law, one from a cousin and one from a dear friend - and now I don't feel so bad. Not that their confessions were anything to feel bad about, but I just feel so much more normal after reading them and I just have to say I couldn't have said it better myself. To sum it up, I have a serious case of the blahs! and I don't think I'm alone. I feel so blah that I don't want to clean, I don't want to blog, I don't want to watch TV, I don't want to cook or eat -- I just want to SIT (and maybe read a good book, but that might even take too much effort). I think I must have a bad case of the summer's-coming-to-an-end blues. As we speak, David is doing his daily one to two hour exercising and Isaiah's at flag football practice (which by the way is adorable), so you'd think I'd be excited to have an hour + to do whatever I want but instead I sit here blogging about my blahs.......


Trina said...

I am so sorry you are feeling that way. I do that every once in a while and it is not fun! Summer coming to an end isn't fun, but think of all the holiday coming up! I usually go into depression about February or March. I think if winter wasn't so long we would all be better off!

Emily K. said...

Glad to know I'm not the only one. Sometimes it helps to get it out, even if it is on the blog. I feel a little silly now that I put a sob story on mine, but, I got so many comments, I can't delete it now. We miss you guys too, but, I am so happy for you that you are surrounded by your sisters, and their kids. I sooo wish I had that too.

julie said...

david exercises?... jk
i'm with you on this, today especially, i just feel numb! like a great big, large haired ball of numb! i love you